hedgehop 1
The irresistibly cute little brush that looks like an upside down bowl, with the sweetest little face sticking out at one end, that's covered with quills! These quills aren’t the types of quills like a porcupine has with barbs on the end. The quills feel more like a bristly brush. They do have soft fur on their faces and bellies and they sport a very busy nose sniffing and snorting around. He really does have a tail, but it is hard to see since it's just a little nub hiding under the quills. The little armored critters are between 4 and 9 inches in length. If you're an early bird jumping out of bed at 6 am and back to bed early at night, (the old early to bed, early to rise variety of person) a hedgehog isn't for you. At best you would have time to wave a friendly hello, since they are nocturnal. Though a bit nervous and not the standard cuddly lap animal they do have advantages. You don't have to walk them in a rainstorm.
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