Frogs are as common to garden ponds as they are to woodl, and nearly every school child is confidently acquainted with frogspawn.
More species of frog live across the globe, but the one found is somewhat disparagingly known as the Common Frog . The pet of school projects and fairy tale legends is largely terrestrial outside of the breeding season and can be found lurking among tall plants in meadows . On evenings they emerge to hunt their invertebrate prey, which they catch with a long tongue. In the spring, frogs become aquatic. They breed in any area of still, water, and canals.
Frogs are cold blooded and unable to function when the outside temperature drops too low. Most species benefit from a natural antifreeze system, but frogs to especially cold climates can even survive being frozen solid. Common frogs hibernate throughout the winter either under logs on land or at the muddy bottom of a pond. Frogs are able to breathe through their skin and can therefore happily spend several months underwater..
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