
Sunday, October 22, 2006

The third pair

extends from the temples, through the neck,
in underneath the shoulder-blades, into the lung; those from right
to left going in underneath the breast and on to the spleen and the
kidney; those from left to right running from the lung in underneath
the breast and into the liver and the kidney; and both terminate in
the fundament. The fourth pair extend from the front part of the
head and the eyes in underneath the neck and the collar-bones; from
thence they stretch on through the upper part of the upper arms to the
elbows and then through the fore-arms on to the wrists and the
jointings of the fingers, and also through the lower part of the
upper-arms to the armpits, and so on, keeping above the ribs, until
one of the pair reaches the spleen and the other reaches the liver;
and after this they both pass over the stomach and terminate at the