
Saturday, October 21, 2006

Such are

the accounts given by Syennesis and Diogenes. Polybus
writes to the following effect:-

'There are four pairs of veins. The first extends from the back of
the head, through the neck on the outside, past the backbone on either
side, until it reaches the loins and passes on to the legs, after
which it goes on through the shins to the outer side of the ankles and
on to the feet. And it is on this account that surgeons, for pains
in the back and loin, bleed in the ham and in the outer side of the
ankle. Another pair of veins runs from the head, past ears, through
the neck; which veins are termed the jugular veins. This pair goes
on inside along the backbone, past the muscles of the loins, on to the
testicles, and onwards to the thighs, and through the inside of the
hams and through the shins down to the inside of the ankles and to the
feet; and for this reason, surgeons, for pains in the muscles of the
loins and in the testicles, bleed on the hams and the inner side of
the ankles.