
Saturday, June 02, 2007

The fact

that the female is longer-lived than the
male is inferred from the fact that female fishes are caught older
than males. Furthermore, in all animals the upper and front parts
are better, stronger, and more thoroughly equipped in the male than in
the female, whereas in the female those parts are the better that
may be termed hinder-parts or underparts. And this statement is
applicable to man and to all vivipara that have feet. Again, the
female is less muscular and less compactly jointed, and more thin
and delicate in the hair-that is, where hair is found; and, where
there is no hair, less strongly furnished in some analogous substance.
And the female is more flaccid in texture of flesh, and more
knock-kneed, and the shin-bones are thinner; and the feet are more
arched and hollow in such animals as are furnished with feet. And with
regard to voice, the female in all animals that are vocal has a
thinner and sharper voice than the male; except, by the way, with
kine, for the lowing and bellowing of the cow has a deeper note than
that of the bull. With regard to organs of defence and offence, such
as teeth, tusks, horns, spurs, and the like, these in some species the
male possesses and the female does not; as, for instance, the hind has
no horns, and where the cock-bird has a spur the hen is entirely
destitute of the organ; and in like manner the sow is devoid of tusks.
In other species such organs are found in both sexes, but are more
perfectly developed in the male; as, for instance, the horn of the
bull is more powerful than the horn of the cow.