
Friday, August 11, 2006

In regard to the heart

there is an exceptional phenomenon
observable in oxen. In other words, there is one species of ox
where, though not in all cases, a bone is found inside the heart. And,
by the way, the horse's heart also has a bone inside it.

The genera referred to above are not in all cases furnished
with a lung: for instance, the fish is devoid of the organ, as is also
every animal furnished with gills. All blooded animals are furnished
with a liver. As a general rule blooded animals are furnished with a
spleen; but with the great majority of non-viviparous but oviparous
animals the spleen is so small as all but to escape observation; and
this is the case with almost all birds, as with the pigeon, the
kite, the falcon, the owl: in point of fact, the aegocephalus is
devoid of the organ altogether. With oviparous quadrupeds the case
is much the same as with the viviparous; that is to say, they also
have the spleen exceedingly minute, as the tortoise, the freshwater
tortoise, the toad, the lizard, the crocodile, and the frog.