
Saturday, October 29, 2005

American Toad

The American Toad, Bufo americanus, is divided into two subspecies, the Eastern American Toad, B. a. americanus, and the Dwarf American Toad, B. a. charlesmithi. The Eastern American Toad is a medium sized toad usually found in the range from 2 to over 3 1/2 inches. The color and pattern is somewhat variable. The Eastern American Toad has spots that contain only one - two warts (photo to right). It also has enlarged warts on the tibia or lower leg below the knee. While the belly is usually spotted, it is generally more so on the forward half (photo below right; in some rare individuals there may be few or no spots). Other species which may be confused with the Eastern American Toad are Fowler's Toad, which has three or more warts in the largest dark spots, and in the far west of its range Woodhouse's Toad. This species will give you the most trouble.